Friday, August 19, 2005

A telemarketer hung up on me!

I try to be polite to these people, because peddling crap on the phone is nobody's dream job. They're just trying to do whatever they can to make a living, like everybody else. So I have a right to be hopping mad about the fucking dickhead that called me today to ask for my money; I said I couldn't make a contribution now (it was a worthy cause, so I didn't say "I'm not interested"; I'm just really too poor now to support more than the one charity I support), he went into some spiel that ended with "$35 or $25?", I said neither, he said "You said you can't help right away, well I'm not asking you to help right away, just let me fill out this pledge in your name," and I said "Cannot help in the foreseeable future either, sorry" and the bastard hung up on me without a word. After I'd been exceedingly polite to him despite hating him for calling me. Asshole. I hope he's not making enough money to feed himself decently and has to skip breakfast and sleep hungry most nights. That would be very nice.

WhyTF does it take 31 days for a Do Not Call listing to start working? The website should be called Bitches.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Hungry eyes

I eat at my campus food court quite often. Standard layout - bunch of tables and chairs close together in a large open area. I like to withdraw and enjoy my meal with a newspaper or my pocket FM radio/MP3 player. At least one in five of these meals is completely ruined by hollow-skull savages who choose to seat themselves so they are staring right at my face from four feet away. I don't know if these fuckwits are trying to seduce me or what the fuck they want or whether they truly don't realize that facing away from me is an option. Five hundred freakin chairs and they pick the one in my face. The next time one of you dimwits parks yourself in front of me I'm going to throw my table at you, okay?

There was this one genius who walked over to me while I was eating and listening to my radio. Both my hands were on the table and I had headphones in my ears. This dumbass walks over to me and starts opening and closing his mouth. When I took off my headphones I discovered he wanted to know the time. My wrists were clearly visible and completely devoid of watches. There were dozens of other people around. Christ! Headphones in my ears mean "THIS DUDE IS FEELING UNSOCIAL AND ENJOYING SOME MUSIC BY HIMSELF. LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE, YOU FRIENDLESS FREAKS!"

Goddamn nitwits. It is not fucking necessary for such fucking people to exist.